Server Infrastructure

To host the myriad of websites I run, I had been using AWS. i recently noticed that the performance for what I was paying wasn’t great. I set about to migrate from AWS to hetzner, and make use of a dedicated server for the same cost as what I was paying in AWS.

My infrastructure looks like this now:

To achieve I followed the guide and these are the steps I took:

  • Created a new NginxLB cloud server
    • Set up nginx and certbot to handle web traffic on this server.
  • Set the firewall to allow my home SSH and web traffic (80/443) through to the LB server.
  • Created a dedicated hetzner server
    • Used rescue image to install ubuntu 24.04
  • Set the firewall to allow my home SSH through only.
  • Created a vswitch
    • Created a subnet
    • Assigned the dedicated server to the vswitch
  • Set up a cloud network
    • Added a subnet with the vswitch attached
    • Allowed routes to be shown to this subnet
  • Adjusted the dedicated server firewall to allow ports 80 and 8080 traffic through from the private IP of the LB server.
  • Adjusted the dedicated server firewall to allow ephemeral ports through – for loopback calls.

I now have a cloud server which is open to http and https traffic, that pushes the traffic to a dedicated server that is only open to the private network and not public facing.